Monday 5 December 2011

Magazine Alphabet

Following a fundraiser at my daughter's school, I was impressed at the sheer number of magazines available, even with the "death of print." So I set up a little challenge for myself to see how quickly I could do up a "magazine alphabet". How many can you identify?

Tuesday 29 November 2011


They are heroes in a half-shell... and all the letters of the alphabet.

Depicted are: Ace Duck, Bebop, Chrome Dome, Donatello, Doctor El, Foot Soldier, General Traag, Hothead, Irma, Casey Jones, Krang, Leonardo, Michaelangelo, Napoleon Bonafrog, April O'Neil, Pizzaface, Dr. Quease, Raphael, Shredder, Triceraton, Utrom, Vernon, Wingnut, Dr. X, Usagi Yojimbo, Zak the Neutrino

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Muppet Alphabet - In T-shirt form!

Exciting news: My Muppet Alphabet design has been turned into official Disney merchandise!

Decorate your midsection and learn your Muppet Alphabet at

Or, if prints and posters are more up your alley, be sure to visit Society6.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Muppet Vinylmation Series 5 Proposal - Classic Muppet Movie Moments

With the release of The Muppets just around the corner, I figured it was time for one more set of Muppet Vinylmation art. I tried something a little different this time, focusing on key scenes from the first three Muppet Movies.

Depicted are:
  • Rainbow Connection Kermit, Electric Mayhem Bus, Airborne Gonzo and Growth Pill Animal (from 1979's The Muppet Movie)
  • Wedding Kermit, Wedding Piggy, Manhattan Melodies Program and Sardi's Kermit (from 1984's The Muppets Take Manhattan)
  • Motorcycle Piggy, Airfreight Gonzo and Fozzie, Fozzie and Kermit's Dad and Gang in Disguise (from 1981's The Great Muppet Caper)
The Gang in Disguise would be the chaser in this set. The back of the figure would be a mirror image of the front except everyone would have their fake glasses and mustaches removed.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Muppets in Space

Here's my tribute to Pigs in Space and the various aliens that the Muppets encountered during the course of The Muppet Show.

I had originally intended this to be a concept for the Muppets T-shirt contest. The idea was that nothing would be more adventurous - or dangerous - than being a "red shirt" on the Swine Trek. But since the contest was only open to residents of the US, that plan was, well, shot into space.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Camilla De Vil

If she doesn't scare you, no chicken will.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Muppet Alphabet - Final version

Here it is. The final version of the Muppet Alphabet, featuring Xomfey the Pink Stalk from The Muppet Show pilot, Sex and Violence.

Featured are: Animal, Bunsen and Beaker, Crazy Harry, Dr. Teeth, Sam the Eagle, Fozzie, Gonzo, Hilda, Irving Bizarre, Janice, Kermit, Lew Zealand, Miss Piggy, Newsman, Otto, Pepe, Quongo, Rowlf, Statler, The Swedish Chef (aka "Tom"), Uncle Deadly, Vendaface, Waldorf, Xomfey, Yolanda Rat, Zoot.

And a big thanks to the poster at Muppet Central for the suggestion on Xomfey.

Prints, posters, iPhone cases and skins available at Society6.

Check out for more details on T-shirts.

NEW: Muppet Babies Numbers and The Great Muppet Alphabet (the Sequel)

Friday 9 September 2011

Muppet Vinylmation Series 4 Proposal

After such a strong positive response to my proposal for Muppet Vinylmation Series 3, it was only a matter of time before I got through some designs for a Series 4.

Shown are: The Great Gonzo, Wayne, Wanda, Clifford, Skeeter, Doglion, Dr. Bob (Rowlf), Pops, Johnny Fiama, Sal Minella, Thog and 80s Robot.

Originally I pictured the adult Skeeter as the chaser, but once I designed '80s Robot, I knew he would be the better choice. He would be printed on a clear mold like Waldo was in Series 1.

Also, I never would have imagined putting Wayne and Wanda on here (after all, I once considered them X-Muppets in the alphabet), but after seeing them prominently in the trailers for The Muppets and the OK Go video, I knew it was time for them to shine.

It says something about the scope of the Muppet universe knowing that I'm considering at least two other full sets of Muppet Vinylmation (in other words, stay tuned!) and in neither case do I feel like I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel.

A big thanks goes out to Ryan Dosier at The Muppet Mindset for featuring my work and the exclusive first look at this series.

Tough Pigs - Happy 10th Anniversary

I did up the following collage for the Muppet fansite to celebrate their 10th Anniversary. I was going to do something along a birthday cake theme but while digging through the ToughPigs archives for ideas, I realized there were a bunch of great memories in there. So decided to put them all together into one image.

A big thanks and congratulations to all of the Tough Pigs who keep the website movin' right along.

Doc Hopper's Other Ideas

After Kermit slipped through his fingers, The Muppet Movie's villainous Doc Hopper had some other ideas.

Muppet Vinylmation Series 3 Proposal

I recently found myself addicted to the Muppet Vinylmations sold at The Disney Store and Disney Theme Parks. Now that I've pretty much completed the Muppet series though (with the exception of that dang elusive Kermit), I realized something: I want more. And no, not just other Disney sets. I want more Muppets.

So, not knowing if there was a Muppet Series 3 on the horizon, I thought I would make up my own. I tried to take perceived printing limitations into consideration as well (which is why the Newsman doesn't have a plaid jacket). This was actually a lot of fun. I've already got a bunch of ideas for future series. Enjoy!

Included in this set are Lips, the Newsman, Robin, Crazy Harry, Marvin Suggs, Bobo, Mahna Mahna, Uncle Deadly, Walter, Big Mean Carl, Beauregard and Jim Henson.

By the way, I envisioned Jim Henson as the chaser (when I first did this, I didn't realize that Disney may not own the rights to the Jim Muppet from The Muppet Show). Also, I didn't add it here, but Beauregard could use a hat as an accessory.

Drawn Together

A common theme in Muppet movies has always been that no matter what the circumstances, the Muppets always find a way to come together to beat the odds. With this design, I decided to take that one step further and actually design a collage by linking the Muppets together based on common elements in their features. They are "Together Again" (cue the music).

I had originally been working on this idea for the Muppet Threadless contest. I ran short on time before the deadline to make this an all-inclusive as I would have liked (I originally envisioned it as a drawing that would cover the whole shirt), but I still wanted to get it out there. Enjoy!